Motivational quotes|Life quotes|Attitude quotes.


Quotes are a positive sentence that will give you the confidence to take a step towards your destination.
There are many types of quotes such as motivational quotes, sad quotes, life quotes, hard work quotes, and many more.
In this blog, you will be going to see many quotes that will inspire you.

1). The more a person's feet are on the ground.

The more a person's feet are on the ground.
The more a person's feet are on the ground,
the more he will fly up.
since the height of the building is based
on the depth of its foundation. 

जितना अधिक व्यक्ति जमीन पर पैर रखेगा,
 वह उतना ही ऊपर उड़ जाएगा.
चूंकि, इमारत की ऊंचाई इसकी नींव की गहराई पर आधारित है.


2). Be a loser but

Be a loser but
Be a loser but 
don't be a quitter.


हारने वाला बनो लेकिन आलसी मत बनो

3).  Don't keep on thinking always about yourself,

Don't keep on thinking always about yourself,

Don't keep on thinking
always about yourself,
there is a person who trusts you
 more than you did on yourself.


हमेशा अपने बारे में सोचते रहना नहीं चाहिए,
एक ऐसा इंसान है जो आप पर, आप से ज्यादा भरोसा करता है.

4). Don't make a challenge to anyone blindly.

Don't make a challenge to anyone blindly.
Don't make a challenge to anyone blindly.
it is always better to close
 our eyes in front of a sun.


आँख बंद करके किसी को चुनौती मत दो
सूरज के सामने अपनी आँखें बंद करना 
ही हमेशा बेहतर होता है.

5). Learn to ignore people

Learn to ignore people
Learn to ignore people because

 they really dont care about you.


लोगों की उपेक्षा करना सीखें क्योंकि 

वे वास्तव में आपकी परवाह नहीं करते हैं

6). Your inner silence 

Your inner silence

your inner silence will make a 

louder noise to the outer world.


आपकी आंतरिक चुप्पी बाहरी

 दुनिया को एक ज़ोर शोर देगी


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